Renew Your Faith
The mission of RENEW International is to renew personal faith and parish life—unlocking the power of small groups by equipping laity and clergy to share their Catholic faith and live it every day.
Renew Your Faith
An Earth Day Prayer Service
Our entire planet is at a crossroads. We are fast approaching a tipping point which will send us down a path of destruction. There is still time, however, to change course if we learn to care for our common home and be good stewards of creation. This Earth Day we joined in prayer for our planet as we seek a worldwide conversion of hearts and minds. Our prayer included a reflection by Sister Arlene Flaherty on Creation at the Crossroads. Arlene Flaherty OP is a Dominican Sister of Blauvelt NY. Over the past four decades of her religious life, her ministry has been primarily in Justice Education, Spirituality, and Legislative advocacy. She holds a Doctorate in Ministry and graduate degrees in Theology and Scripture. Arlene is currently serving as the Director of the Office of Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation for the School Sisters of Notre Dame.